Kategorie: Allgemein
Berlin Kunstmesse BERLIN ARTTOWER vom 06. 10. bis 10.10 2010 www.berlin-arttower.de
20. September 2010
Art cooperation project with: Berlin The Light Art Biennale is on the artfair BERLIN ART TOWER Kunstmesse vom 06. 10. bis 10.10 2010 www.berlin-arttower.de Alte Kindl Brauerei / Neukölln,
Photos of the opening Light Art Biennale Austria 2010
19. September 2010
Alexandre Murucci http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=77044&id=1142095408&fbid=1602802786936&ref=mf Eric Michel http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1743637&id=767039700&fbid=93542724700#!/album.php?aid=2081098&id=1004485747&ref=mf Film by Ernst Perfahl www.earfilm.at
Opening Light art Biennial 2010
29. August 2010
Wien, Perchtoldsdorf “24 hours Light art” September 3 -5 Friday 2pm – 10 pm, Satturday 10 am– 10 pm, Sunday 10 am – 2 pm “Opening party” 24 hours lightart” Saturday September 4 2010, 6 pm artP.kunstverein Franz Josef Straße 1a A-2380 Perchtoldsdorf, www.artp.a-r-t.cc
Opening Light art Biennial 2010
28. August 2010
Opening Light art Biennial 2010 – ARTPARK Linz – Mi. Sep 1st 2010, 7 pm
27. August 2010
TWO PEOPLE ONE WORK Karin Sulimma, Mounty R. P. Zentara Light purse (Vienna) Felt page, LED 2,3 V / 230 W, Cable 45 x 35 x 18 cm 2010 http://area53.name
Seth Riskin
25. August 2010
The proposal is for a series of brief „Light Dances“, presented in series, or spread out over the period of an event. For example, a 2-3 minute performance may be presented each hour, or half hour, through the period of the opening of the Biennale. The performances take place in silence and darkness. A single […]
Hofstetter Kurt
23. August 2010
HOFSTETTER KURT: the sky as the medium for the light of the sun – the time http://www.sunpendulum.at/hofstetterkurt.html Light works based on the Sunpendulum project: http://www.sunpendulum.at/-clp.html Circum C installation @ Witte de With Museum | International Biennial Sevilla 2008 | ZKM – Karlsruhe http://www.sunpendulum.at/tlp-space.html http://www.sunpendulum.at/CircumC.html http://www02.zkm.de/you/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=60:circumc-&catid=35:werke&Itemid=82&lang=en pictures and images attached (c) VBK Wien
Barbara Doser
21. August 2010
Fotocredit: Nicaragua 2004, Fotograf: Wolfgang Lehrner, alle Rechte vorbehalten Barbara Doser: Biography book release: Barbara Doser: Video Feedback – Lyricism in Patterns of Light, 2010 last solo show – Barbara Doser: VIDE_OO, Vienna 2010
Peter Sandbichler
20. August 2010
Peter Sandbichler http://gallery.me.com/petersan1r#100218 http://galeriegritainsam.at
Muhammad Hafiz
20. August 2010
http://muhammadhafiz.com/category/designatum/ Muhammad Hafiz www.muhammadhafiz.com